April 9, 2021

Dear Parents, Sincerely Notamomma

Dear Parents, Sincerely Notamomma Our Dear Parents, we appreciate all of the hard work that you put into raising your children. I have a stepson who […]
August 14, 2020

How to Romance Your Wife/Partner

How To Romance Your Wife/Partner Here’s a newsflash, people: Relationships are investment. You put nothing into an investment, you get no return, right? So put in […]
July 24, 2020

Why Being “Notamomma” Matters (and Why Being a “Momma” Does Too)

Why Being “Notamomma” Matters (and Why Being a “Momma” Does Too) There’s an unspoken diversion of Mommas’ and Notamommas’. (Don’t pretend it’s not there, that’s BS, […]